Saturday, August 15, 2009

No title necessary!

Conner getting ready to check the deer camera to see what kind of deer have been walking by Daddy's stand! We hope big ones, so big that he will be done opening day....we shall see.

Conner scouting for deer in B's bean fields. Good thing eagle eye Mimi was with us.

Trying out Daddy's new deer the front yard. Needless to say, I am glad we live where people think this is normal!

I also had to post this video to show how much Conner has grown. He sure is a busy little bee.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Conner!

Conner had a great Birthday and a great Birthday party! It is amazing how much he has changed over the past year; time goes by so fast! Conner on his first Birthday...Conner on his 2nd birthday...