Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fun at the Fair

We went to the State Fair with Toby, Tiffany, Brody, Beckett, Aunt Joni and Harrison on Friday night. We had such a great time riding the rides, feeding the animals and eating the fair food. Conner is definitely in the stage where he wants to get down and walk around. As you know, that is barely possible for adults at the fair, let alone little ones! He did pretty well, for the most part, getting pushed around in his stroller. It helped that Beckett and Harrison were in theirs and that Brody kept him occupied.
Conner went on two rides (total cost $10.00...I couldn't believe it!). He seemed to enjoy them but only when they were moving. He didn't really like waiting for everyone to get buckled in. I love the picture below. With his belly hanging out, he definitely fits right in!Conner and Harrison in their fried food haze! The four boys all had bites of corn, fried cookie dough, fried vegetables, big pretzels (no I am not finished) cheesy beef sticks, corn dogs (still not finished) fried cheese sticks, gyros and ice cream (whew! Total cost: $895.00... or so it seemed!)All of the boys always have a good time playing together and causing trouble together! Here they were eating and throwing the pea gravel...we all decided that we are in big trouble in about 10 years!Conner even rode a pony for the first time! He really enjoyed it and it was so funny to watch his little head bob back and forth. When we bought the ticket they guy asked Jason if Conner had ever rode a pony. Jason says very nonchalantly, "No, just a cow." You should have seen the look on the guys face! What was very neat to see was how comfortable Conner was with all of the animals. When I talk to Miranda during the day, I will hear him in the background and she will say, "He's yelling at the cows again." Well, I had never seen him do it in person but at the fair, it was definitely a sight to see. He yells and talks to them like they are human. I think he may have Crocodile Dundee powers!Here he is with the pig. He kept trying to stick his fingers up its nose so Jason had to hold his hands back.Here he is with the lambs and Harrison and Jason. Conner kept pulling their ears, so again, Jason had to hold his hands back!
I love this picture of Jason and Conner! He is doing so well with walking!
Finally, we found a cow (sort-of!) We had such a great time and enjoyed spending time with the Braeger's and the Forestal's!

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