Friday, September 11, 2009

Not now; I wurkin'

So Conner's new thing is that he is always working. Or at least that is what he says. Whenever you tell him to come in and eat, "I can't Mommy, I wurkin" He is obsessed with work. He asks Mimi every morning right when he gets there if he can go to wurk. I think it started because we visited Jason at work and Conner was in love with "Daddy's woo-woo ban" (van)

Then, as you know, Mimi and B live on a farm right next to her family business, so they get to see people working all of the time. Everything in Conner's world seems to be broke and needs "fixdid" : the combines, Daddy's woo-woo ban, B's neck, Mommy's car cause she hit rackhoon. He gets out his cell phone to call Daddy, B or Wance to tell them what needs fixdid. Then he quickly looks up and says, I have to wurk. Bye. He grabs a wrench and starts working on whatever is "broke" at that moment.
Here he is fixing his "bombine" because its out of gas.
And here he is fixdin his fishing pole. Yes, please notice the good luck hat. I owe Jason for that one, but at least it gives the fishermen a good laugh when they drive by. I think we are in for the ride of our lives!

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