Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Icing" on the Cake

This winter has been crazy in Indiana!  To all of our friends from Michigan - I believe that we have finally had what you guys call a "real" winter!  The boys are loving every minute of it!  On February 1st the freezing rain started and continued throughout the night.  Thankfully, our power stayed on (although that is probably because Jeremiah and Ron made sure we had a generator handy!)  Here are a few pictures of the storm.  The last true ice storm I remember was when I was in second grade - so the boys may not see another one for 20 years (or at least I hope so!)

So, what is the icing on the cake?  Well, because of the ice storm we been spending tons of time together as a family!  I brought work home with me - so Drew helps me revise documents while Daddy and Conner make their lists for next Christmas!
We were afraid we would lose power so the boys have been taking warm baths mid-day - not only stay warm but to prepare in case the well went out!

The other icing on the cake - our basement is almost "finished" (we are going to finish it to drywall and then wait a few years to totally finish it!)  This means we have plenty of extra room to play and run - and the boys have all of their toys in one room - WHEW!
Here is the new toy room!
Here is a guest bedroom (Drew's future room)
And here is the other guest room (Conner's future bedroom!)

Conner and Daddy also recently had a guys night out with Toby, Brody, Beckett, Bob and Colton.  They all went to Monster Jam!  So we have also been playing Monster Trucks constantly - well, the boys have.  As Conner says "only dudes can play monster trucks"  Oh well - that has given me a little time to order stuff for Drew's birthday party that is only two months away!!!!

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