Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

We all had a great Easter this year!  A few weeks ago, the Easter Bunny dropped off two ducks for the boys.  Conner named them Bill and Billy (after two of his favorite Bill's!).  The boys both love playing with the Bill's - they follow the boys into their fort and all around the house.  It is really cute to watch.  Drew tries to get them - but they are still moving too quickly for him!

It was so funny to watch the boys color Easter Eggs this year!  Drew - well he was a little impatient.  He didn't want to wait while the eggs were colored and he really, really wanted to play in the colored water!

Once he got the egg cups - it was all over!
Conner, on the other hand, was totally different this year.  He was very focused on coloring eggs and making sure mommy, daddy and Drew all had the decorated egg they wanted. It is so fun to watch how he grows each day.

We went to Mom and Dad's for Easter and had a great time with all of the McNulty's.

Easter usually sounds the alarm for Boating season, right?  Well, not so much this year.  With all of the rain and the drop in the temperatures - the boys are only able to play pretend!  It won't be long now!

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