Saturday, November 2, 2013

2013 Bass Tournament

Conner couldn't wait to participate in a bass tournament this year.  He practiced each and every day for hours.  He went out fishing with practically every fisherman on the lake so that he could learn their "hot-spots".  The night before the tournament, he was so excited that he could barely go to sleep.  He came in our room about 3:00 am to ask if he and Jason should get up so they didn't miss the start.  They had a great day.  Even though the boat broke down, they had to be towed to the weigh-in and they only weighed in one fish - Jason and Conner had a great day.  The neatest things was watching him carry over the weigh-in bag to the sink.  Everyone was there to watch him and everyone was so excited for him- I love watching him with his fisherman.  This sport has definitely taught Conner patience and has put him in contact with so many wonderful role-models.

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