Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Baby's Best Friend - Remi

My biggest fear with bringing Brenna home was that Conner and/or Drew would feel left out.  Fortunately, they both seem to be doing very well  (so far) and I truly believe that they do not feel any different than they did before Brenna arrived. However, I think Remi has been a totally different story. Before Brenna came, Remi was the one everyone played with and wanted to hold and fought over.  Now, it is all about Brenna.  It really makes me sad.  The amazing thing with Remi is that, different from a human, she has embraced the person that took all of her attention away.  Honestly, it is really an amazing thing to watch.  Remi is with Brenna or by Brenna every minute of the day and night.  When Brenna is swinging, Remi is under the swing.  When I am feeding Brenna, Remi lies under the boppy or right night to Brenna.  Even during night feedings, Remi is the first one out of bed.  As I slowly get up, Remi is on the floor waiting: she follows me as I carry Brenna to her room to change her and she lies down and waits at the doorway.  Then, I walk Brenna out to the couch to feed her and Remi cuddles up right beside us.  When Brenna is done eating, Remi follows us back to bed.  

I remember my first best friend, Schultzie.  I loved him with my entire heart and soul because he was always there for me - he too followed me everywhere and let me play with him like he was another child.  I am excited that Remi wants to be Brenna's best friend too!

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