Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Conner started preparing for Easter on Friday night. We made Easter Cookies and colored eggs. By the time we were finished, it seemed as if we were coloring a little boy instead of Easter eggs! He did a great job (besides the fact that he threw the eggs into the bowls, ate them (shells and all) and drank the food coloring...which had vinegar in it...which he quickly spit out all over the place!)We had a hard time teaching him that eggs are covered in a shell. By the third bite, he finally understood! Easter morning was a lot of fun! Conner definitely caught on quickly. However, once he learned that there was candy inside, he was done hunting and just wanted to snack!Then we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa McNulty, Brad, Amanda, Patrick, Uncle Bill and Aunt Mindy. Grandma and Grandpa Easter Bunny went way out for Mr. Conner. We called his Easter Basket the Easter Bath-tub! He must have been extra good this year (or he is just extra spoiled!!!) Then we had an Easter Egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpas. It was so fun to have a little one around again! I think we all got a kick out of watching him hunt for the eggs. Plus, the eggs at Grandma and Grandpas were filled with fruit snacks and chocolates, so Conner was REALLY hyper half way through, which made it even more fun to watch (especially when he was drinking out of the fountains and trying to swim with the fish!)
Conner had to take lots of breaks to feed Grandpa's fish (see Grandpa lets him feed them as often and as much as he wants!)I love the picture below. Definitely makes you focus on the beauty of and reason for Easter. We are blessed.
On Saturday, we celebrated Beckett's second birthday! Hard to believe, isn't it?!?!? I wish I had better pictures, but we were too busy keeping the boys from fighting over Beckett's new toys! Happy Birthday, Beckett!
Conner also had some Carmen time, which he loves. Carmen watches Conner for us when we go out on the weekend. We are lucky to have her in our lives and Conner LOVES flirting with her.

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