Saturday, April 25, 2009

F-L-O-R-I-D-A 2009!

We had a wonderful vacation! Conner was great on both flights, even slept a little on the way down!
Conner loved absolutely everything about the beach and the pool. We are thankful he is signed up for swim lessons this summer, because he would jump off the side of the pool whether we were ready or not. It was amazing to realize how much he had grown since we were in Florida last year, not only would he tell us when he was cold, ready to eat, or ready to take a nap, but he would say hello to all of the people, lizards, fish and birds!

For the first time, we visited the Sarasota Jungle Gardens. It reminded me a lot of the old Indy zoo. Conner, once again was fearless when it came to the animals: me on the other hand, about had a heart attack!

We can't wait until next year!


Robin said...

Hi Guys!
Kristin, we missed you at the shower but glad you had a great time in FL! Hope to see you soon...
love your blog page! Conner is a doll!!
Dan and Robin

jiffy said...

Great pics... you guys are so adorable. big hugs.

Unknown said...

I love the pic of you tossing Conner up in the air and the silly sort of upside down pic of you two. I think Jason is becoming quite the photographer - he captured some cute ones of mom & son ;)