Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Collection of Conner...

Happy late Mother's Day to all of those wonderful moms out there! To celebrate Mother's Day, we went to the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa McNulty, Uncle Brad and Uncle Patrick! It was a great day and it was so much fun!
When I was little, I used to dress my brothers up and make them pose while I took their pictures (someday I will have to scan them in), too funny. Here I was trying to get the three of them to show me their "walrus" husks...Brad was the only one who caught on, I guess!
Meet Terry the turtle. Jason ran over him on accident and brought him home. He went everywhere with Conner. This week though, he went to live with his family out in the woods. We miss him and Conner misses having a buddy to drag around everywhere! I am sure we will find one of Terry's brothers or sisters sometime this summer! I got a new camera for Mother's Day! I am trying to learn how to use it. It has stabilization control and can take 33 pictures in two seconds! Hopefully I will now be able to catch Conner more often!


oglefamily said...

holy moly...that's some camera! do you even know how to use it 33times in two seconds?!!? That's awesome!

Joni said...

I had to LOL when I saw him pulling Terry around behind his tractor. He looks so grown up too. Is his hair getting darker?

Rumple Family said...

That's great you have a new camera - those toddlers move to quickly to stay in focus. Conner is getting so big - I can't believe Lorelai is already 2 - time flies!