Saturday, January 2, 2016

Mommy and Daddy!

As you have probably noticed - I never really post pictures of your Dad and me together.  Funny thing is, is that since Conner was born I would bet that we have less than five pictures that have been taken with just the two of us in them.  Most of the time it is because I am behind the camera, I am afraid at what your dad is doing with you, your dad is busy or I am busy.  Honestly though, we don't do much without the three of you - not because we don't trust anyone to stay with you or because we don't enjoy doing things together - but more so because we want to spend time with you while you are young.  We both know all too well how quickly time goes and how valuable each minute with each of you - at every stage of your life - is and will be. Your Dad has made it his life's goal to teach you everything he knows by the time you are teenagers.  I have made it my life's goal to show you all that the world holds for each of you.  As you can imagine our days right now are full - but not full with hustle and bustle but full of life, skills and lessons for each one of us in our little family.   I can imagine that 18 years from now we will have many more pictures together - but for now - here is one from 2016!  

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